Saturday, April 23, 2011

404? 500? The Server Header Infographic (Think "Making Server Headers pretty and more understandable infographic")

{quicklycode} - Server Headers Infographic


SEO Gadget


I thought this an interesting infographic. Now if only I had an infographic to help me figure out how my wife thinks... (Oh... did I say that out loud?)

Friday, April 22, 2011

VLC MIX WMV RSS - Jon Galloway shows us an alternate way to view the MIX videos, via magic of RSS and VLC

Jon Galloway - Better ways to watch the MIX11 videos, Part 1: VLC

"I'm still catching up on all the great content at MIX 11. There is a ton of great content - 116 videos when I last looked. Scott Hanselman already posted a great summary of ways to get and watch them. With this many videos to watch, though, you might want to bring out some big guns, and that's what this post is all about.

Streaming them at high speed with VLC

VLC has long been my favorite media player. It's lightweight, plays just about every media format without any codec hassle, streams from network and internet locations without a hiccup, can save output to disk, has nice playlist support, and has great keyboard commands.

We'll take advantage of three of those features here:

  • Playlist support
  • Streaming from URL
  • High speed playback




Jon provides a pretty cool means that I've not seen before for browsing/video (media included) RSS feeds, specifically using VLC to browse, view and stream the MIX11 videos.


Related Past Post XRef:
464 PDC Sessions from PDC08, PDC09 & PDC10 now available on Channel9 Events (and each with an "All Sessions, One List" view too!)
Channel 9 now the one stop Microsoft event shop - One site, many events (MIX06,07,08,09,10 for now more coming)

PDC 10 Session Video List
Microsoft TechEd 2010 is OData enabled
MIX10? There’s an OData Feed for that…
PDC09 Session Video List (Okay, so I lied)
Microsoft PDC09 video list, courtesy of Microsoft
Mix 09 Quick Video Link List
My PDC List Maker utility source updated to consume the PDC Channel 9 RSS Feed (resulting in the Keynotes now being included in the list), but fixes, etc.
My PDC Video Link List Maker project & source is now available on CodePlex
PDC2008 Quick Video Link List (Updated: Now with Keynotes)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Did you know the Windows Phone 7 Emulator has three built-in, canned, already there, songs you can MediaLibrary with?

DZone .Net Zone - Windows Phone tip of the day: MediaLibrary can be tested in the emulator with built-in songs

"Not a lot of developers know this, but the default OS image that is shipped with the Windows Phone Emulator has built-in media content (other than images) - songs. There are three tracks available for testing purposes:

  • Another Melody Song (00:00:31.3930000) by Windows Phone Artist [Pop]
  • Melody Song (00:00:30.4640000) by Windows Phone Artist [Rock]
  • Rhythm Variation (00:00:15.3710000) by Windows Phone Artist [R&B]

To try these out, simply add a reference to Microsoft.Xna.Framework and use the snippet below:


This was a bit of WP7 info I hadn't seen before and thought it interesting and a good share...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Visual Studio LightSwitch Samples in the new MSDN Samples Gallery

Visual Studio LightSwitch Team Blog - LightSwitch Samples on the new Samples Gallery

“A couple months ago MSDN released a new site for samples where product teams and the community can contribute code. We’ve been popping team samples up there as well, just look for the LightSwitch Team author:

Download LightSwitch Team Samples

Here’s a description of the ones we have up there so far:

  • Visual Studio LightSwitch Vision Clinic Walkthrough & Sample –  …
  • LightSwitch Course Manager End-to-End Application - …
  • Excel Importer for Visual Studio LightSwitch - …
  • LightSwitch Active Directory Sample -… 

[GD: Click through for the details and direct links]

We have a lot more planned as well so keep checking back. We’ll also be creating a “Featured Samples” page on the Developer Center that we will use to pick out community samples here on the gallery and feature them there. Got a cool idea for a LightSwitch sample? Put them on the Samples Gallery and tag the Key Technology = Visual Studio LightSwitch and maybe your sample will become famous! :-)”

I’m not sure about LightSwitch. I think it’s pretty cool and neat and all but I’m going to need to see it get to v2 or V3 before I invest too much time in it. Again, I really dig the idea behind it and like the implementation story I’ve heard, but you know how it is. I need to see if it’s going to stick to the wall and all that…

FT, then FP and SP now PU! Power Tools, Feature Packs, Service Packs, now Platform Updates - .Net 4 Platform Update 1 Released (Think WF stuff, like State Machine, persist to SQL Azure, etc)

Robert MacLean (SA Dev) - What's new in Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Platform Update 1?


It is NOT the new name for bug fixes, the PU is in fact the best news for Workflow Foundation people as it includes some seriously powerful new features.

We finally get a complete state machine in WF (dance):

  • Entry and exit actions for a state
  • Conditional and default transitions that have transition actions
  • Scoped variables for a state machine
  • Improved tracking support

know this was available on Codeplex for a while (and there is still other good stuff on there for WF not included in this), but this is just awesome to get it officially as this implies to customers a seriousness & support that having on Codeplex does not.

I would be happy if it was just that but they have ALSO given us the ability to use SQL Azure as a store for WF instances!!

This is HUGE!!

Just imagine storing a workflow in the cloud until you need it later? Ideas for roaming devices, workflows that span across devices and, naturally, better usage of worker instances in the cloud themselves all are opened up by this.

Lastly (and least-ly for me) they add the CompensationExtension class, which is used if you are creating your own host and wish to enable support for compensations in workflows. Not a big deal for me, but this could bring new features into my favourite host AppFabric, but we will need to see if that happens in the future.

The update comes in three parts:


The .NET Endpoint - Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Platform Update 1

“The Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Platform Update 1 released today, 4/18/2011.

The Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Platform Update 1 is a platform update that is a set of new features that provides additional functionality for top customer requests and important scenarios.

The Microsoft .NET Platform Update 1 consists of three packages:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Platform Update 1 (KB2478063)

    • This package contains the runtime files for the platform update. This package must be deployed on systems where applications that target the platform update are deployed.

  • Multi-Targeting Pack for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Platform Update 1 (KB2495638)

    • This package contains reference assemblies and intellisense files for the platform update. This package is installed as part of the next package.

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Platform Update 1 – Design-time Package for Visual Studio 2010 SP1 (KB2495593)

    • This package installs the previous two packages and configures Visual Studio 2010 SP1 with new .NET Framework targeting profiles, intellisense, and adds the state machine activities to the toolbox.

To develop workflow applications in Visual Studio 2010 SP1 that target the new Platform Update 1 functionality, the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Platform Update 1 – Design-time Package for Visual Studio 2010 SP1 (KB2495593) must be installed. Once it is installed, the .NET Framework 4 Platform Update 1 (KB2478063) profile can be chosen when creating a new .NET application.


Did we really need a new release type? sigh… [Insert other’s rants as they’ve already said it all here]

Still, I’d rather updates out of band than big bang releases… I guess. Also it’s VERY nice to see WF get some love…


Related Past Post XRef:
"Multi-Targeting Pack for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Platform Update 1" (with an official State Machine support for WF4)

Monday, April 18, 2011

MSBuild Extension Pack April 2011 Release - “If you MSBuild it, they will…”

Mike Fourie - MSBuild Extension Pack April 2011 Release

“The April 2011 release of the MSBuild Extension Pack is now available for download.

The April 2011 release contains

  • version for those using .Net 3.5
  • version for those using .Net 4.0

This release consolidates 40+ change sets and contains the following high level changes

  • Around 20 new Tasks / TaskActions
  • Around 19 improvements covering Documentation, new attributes and behaviour
  • Around 5 bug fixes
  • 32-bit and 64-bit installers
  • Zero backwards compatibility breaks Smile


MSBuild Extension Pack - April 2011

“The MSBuild Extension Pack April 2011 release provides a collection of over 400 MSBuild tasks. A high level summary of what the tasks currently cover includes the following:

  • System Items: Active Directory, Certificates, COM+, Console, Date and Time, Drives, Environment Variables, Event Logs, Files and Folders, FTP, GAC, Network, Performance Counters, Registry, Services, Sound
  • Code: Assemblies, AsyncExec, CAB Files, Code Signing, DynamicExecute, File Detokenisation, GUID’s, Mathematics, Strings, Threads, Xml, Zip Files
  • Applications: BizTalk 2006 / 2010, Email, IIS6, IIS7, MSBuild, SourceSafe, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, StyleCop, Twitter, Team Foundation Server, Visual Basic 6, Windows Virtual PC, WMI


If you think you need to build your own MSBuild Extension, then think twice and check out this project… There’s a good chance that if you need it, Mike’s already built it (or at least something close…)


Related Past Post XRef:
MSBuild & Virtual PC’s – Like peas in a pod?

MSBuild Extension Pack (Think “FreeToDev MSBuild Tasks Suite” but now they’re cooking with gas! ;)
FreeToDev MSBuild Tasks Suite – First Non-Beta Release (and request for help…)
New (beta) MSBuild Tasks Suite - FreeToDev MSBuild Tasks Suite

LOOK, if you are redacting text in a PDF, DON’T just use a black highlighter!

Business Insider - Britain Posts Redacted Nuclear Secrets Online, Which Could Be Viewed Simply By Copying And Pasting The Text

“A declassified-but-redacted document about nuclear submarines was posted by Britain's Ministry of Defense. Due to a "technical error," however, the redacted text could be revealed by copying and pasting it, according to The Guardian.

We assume this technical error was the use of digital black highlighter rather than an actual highlighter. For instance: top secret information.

The MoD corrected its error after being informed by a tabloid, The Daily Star Sunday. …”

I know most of you won’t care about this, but this just bugs and and since it’s my blog… ;)


Don’t we know better yet? It’s not like this is the first, or hundredth, time this has happened. If it’s important enough to redact something, then do it right… sigh

A) Don’t use an “electronic highlighter” to redact/black out text. You must ensure the text is physically removed from, or obscured in, the document and that the document does not contain a backup (aka previous version, change track, etc) of the content

B) Test your redaction. Use every method that comes to mind to test your redaction to ensure the text/content is gone, gone. From simple like trying to copy and paste, to forensically review and sample it.

C) RTFM. There’s applicable information directly from Adobe on how to redact content in PDF’s, Redactions and PDF’s, the right way… -> Rick’s Acrobat X Redaction Guide. Know it, live it, be it…



Related Past Post XRef:
Redactions and PDF’s, the right way…

And AGAIN a PDF Redaction gone wrong... When will you get the message!?
PDF’s and Redaction gone wrong… again…
Another PDF Redaction Snafu
US Military PDF Redaction "Issue"
CSI Trick of the day: How do you look “under” black Magic Marker’ed text?

"Clean Up After Your PDFs"