Saturday, January 12, 2013

Scott's done it now... "The Missing Windows 8 Instructional Video"

Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - The Missing Windows 8 Instructional Video

A few months ago while sitting at a Burger King (yes, I know) I recorded a video on "How to use Windows 8 in 3 minutes" and threw it up on YouTube. It's been viewed nearly a half million times. Eek. It's got poor audio, and it's WAY too fast. I did it on a goof. However, people keep showing it to family and friends.

A man emailed me after sending it to his elderly uncle and let's just say that the uncle wasn't impressed with the speed of the video either. It's great for geeks but not for normal people.

So tonight I took a few hours and did a new video that I'm VERY happy with and I hope you enjoy it. It's clean, clear, and only 25 minutes long and it explains, I believe, Windows 8 and its changes for anyone with basic Windows experience.



Sharing with friends and family now... (and you all too! :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Dev courseware for professors and instructors (and you) free from Microsoft

Go DevMENTAL - Free courseware for professors and instructors from Microsoft

Did you know Microsoft provides free courseware for professors and instructors?

The Faculty Connection is a website that provides free courseware and resources for instructors of all levels.




Anyone can browse the content on the faculty connection website, but to download the content you must register and provide proof that you are an instructor, teacher, or professor. You can also reach out to your local technical evangelist to get a promotion code to simplify registration"

I've blogged about all of these at one point or another I think, but I thought it nice seeing them all in one place...

The power behind PowerShell, "Windows PowerShell Language Specification Version 3.0"

Microsoft Downloads - Windows PowerShell Language Specification Version 3.0

Version: December 2012
Date published: 1/10/2013

Language: English

Windows PowerShell Language Specification Version 3.0.docx, 539 KB

Windows PowerShell is a command-line shell and scripting language that brings the power of the .NET Framework to command-line users and script writers. The specification in this download documents the Windows PowerShell language for Windows PowerShell 3.0. This specification is made available as part of the Microsoft Open Specifications program. For more information, see

Here's a snap of the 334 page DocX


And a snip of the Introduction.

1. Introduction

PowerShell is a command-line shell and scripting language, designed especially for system administrators.

Most shells operate by executing a command or utility in a new process, and presenting the results to the user as text. These shells also have commands that are built into the shell and run in the shell process. Because there are few built-in commands, many utilities have been created to supplement them. PowerShell is very different. Instead of processing text, the shell processes objects. PowerShell also includes a large set of built-in commands with each having a consistent interface and these can work with user-written commands.

An object is a data entity that has properties (i.e., characteristics) and methods (i.e., actions that can be performed on the object). All objects of the same type have the same base set of properties and methods, but each instance of an object can have different property values.

A major advantage of using objects is that it is much easier to pipeline commands; that is, to write the output of one command to another command as input. (In a traditional command-line environment, the text output from one command needs to be manipulated to meet the input format of another.)

PowerShell includes a very rich scripting language that supports constructs for looping, conditions, flow-control, and variable assignment. This language has syntax features and keywords similar to those used in the C# programming language (§C).

There are four kinds of commands in PowerShell: scripts, functions and methods, cmdlets, and native commands.

  • A file of commands is called a script. [Note: By convention, a script has a filename extension of .ps1. end note] The top-most level of a PowerShell program is a script, which, in turn, can invoke other commands.
  • PowerShell supports modular programming via named procedures. A procedure written in PowerShell is called a function, while an external procedure made available by the execution environment (and typically written in some other language) is called a method.
  • A cmdlet—pronounced "command-let"—is a simple, single-task command-line tool. Although a cmdlet can be used on its own, the full power of cmdlets is realized when they are used in combination to perform complex tasks.
  • A native command is a command that is built in to the host environment.

Each time the PowerShell runtime environment begins execution, it begins what is called a session. Commands then execute within the context of that session.

This specification defines the PowerShell language, the built-in cmdlets, and the use of objects via the pipeline.

Windows PowerShell: Unlike most shells, which accept and return text, Windows PowerShell is built on top of the .NET Framework common language runtime

Not a doc I think I'll be reading in too much detail, but still something I think great to have (you know, just incase...). Plus I like that this is just available...

It's your Windows Phone 8 [Emulator Skin] - The "Windows Phone 8 Emulator Skin Switcher 1.0"

Geert van der Cruijsen - Windows Phone 8 Emulator Skin Switcher 1.0 released on codeplex

Last year when working on some Windows Phone 7 projects i thought it was a good idea to change the skin of the Phone emulator of all the developers in our team for screenshots and demos. I created a project on codeplex and gathered all the skins i could find on the internet into a simple app where people could switch from the default skin to a Lumia 800, HTC device or Samsung phone for example.

When Windows Phone 8 was announced i received a lot of questions from people to update the skin switcher app to support Windows Phone 8 and finally today i had time to finish this project and upload version 1.0 on codeplex.

In the Windows Phone 8 Emulator Skin Switcher you can choose between 17 different skins from all currently available Windows Phone 8 devices. ...


Available skins at 1.0 release:

  • WVGA
  • WP8 Default
  • HTC 8S Blue
  • HTC 8S Orange
  • Nokia Lumia 820 Black
  • Nokia Lumia 820 Cyan
  • Nokia Lumia 820 Red
  • Nokia Lumia 820 White
  • Nokia Lumia 820 Yellow
  • WXGA
  • WP8 Default
  • Nokia Lumia 920 Black
  • Nokia Lumia 920 Grey
  • Nokia Lumia 920 Red
  • Nokia Lumia 920 White
  • Nokia Lumia 920 Yellow
  • 720p
  • WP8 Default
  • HTC 8X Black
  • HTC 8X Blue
  • HTC 8X Neon
  • HTC 8X Red
  • Samsung Ativ S

WP8 Emulator Skin Switcher

Change the look of your Windows Phone 8 emulator by using the WP8 Emulator Skin Switcher to make it look like a Nokia Lumia 920, HTC 8X or Samsung Ativ S.


Getting Started

Using the emulator skin switcher is easy. download the latest release, install it and launch the application. select the skin you want to use and restart the emulator. it should now use your selected emulator skin. You can select a different skin for each resolution.



Nice... And I love that he's released the source for this one too.


Related Past Post XRef:
Windows Phone 7.1(5) Emulator Skin Switcher v1.2 and source now available
23 skins and counting with v1.1 of the Windows Phone 7.1(5) Emulator Skin Switcher
Stopping the WP7 Emulator Skin file copy/replace madness... Windows Phone 7 Emulator Skin Switcher 1.0 [Beta]

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Minas Tirith, Aerial View Map of, 1 each

How-To Geek - Aerial View Map of Minas Tirith [LOTR Wallpaper]


Wallpaper Abbys from Alpha Coders


5000x3414... Yeah, that will work... :)

From Zero to 8... One dev's guide to getting going with Windows Phone 8 dev

Tanzim Saqib - Windows Phone 8 App Development Power Booster

I wrote a capsule size power booster that may help you to be an intermediate Windows Phone app developer from some knowledge of Visual Studio style solution development. After I have discovered a lot of demand, I decided to post it as an article instead of a pdf.

Assuming Reader’s Zero Idea About Windows Phone

Microsoft’s entrance to the smartphone market dates back to year 2000 with the debut of Pocket PC 2000, the original forefather of the Windows Mobile and great grandfather of Windows Phone. Unlike its forefathers, it is primarily aimed at the consumer market rather than the enterprise market. Microsoft offers a new user interface with Windows Phone with its design language named Metro, integrates the operating system with third party and other Microsoft services, and controls the hardware it runs on. They also believe same software excellence can be delivered without selling a dedicated device, so Windows Phone is just a mobile operating system rather than a dedicated phone like iPhone.





A bunch of brain dump, "as he learned it he's sharing it" nuggets. We all do this (well I do anyway), move from one dev challenge to the next, accumulating snippets, sites, learning's, etc. Well Tanzim's taken a few minutes from his journey and shared his with us...

Windows Store App's and Databases (the series)

Windows Store apps development support - Using database in Windows Store apps (I)


There are lots of discussions about using database in Windows Store apps in MSDN forum. These discussions mainly focus on the usage of SQL database. Based on this scenario, we developed a series of articles along with sample code and demos used to demonstrate how to access both local database and remote database.

This topic consists of four categories as below.

  1. Overview of main approaches to access database in Windows Store apps.
  2. How to access local database:
    1. How to use SQLite for Windows Runtime and how to use sqlite-net library to manipulate SQLite database.
    2. How to use Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) or known as JET APIs.
  3. How to use WCF to access database in Windows Store apps.
  4. How to access remote database.

First, we talk about how to access local database in Windows Store apps. SQLite would be a good choice.


I find it hard to envision an app that doesn't have some kind of data store. Oh sure, I can see simple app's, but anything that does anything over time or "remembers" something, has any kind of state has to store it somewhere. And when building Windows Store app's in this version of Windows, database access is a little v1'ish. So until it gets better (assuming it does?) this kind of information is going to be important to have (and keep for future reference).

Using C# and P/Invoke to control/automate applications (Think "FindWindow... PostMessage and all that example and class")

Talsania's Geekypedia - UI Automation: Automating key strokes using .NET and Win32 API

Win32 API offers a lot of functionality for Windows platform, which the .NET Framework doesn’t have for good reason – One of them being ‘managed’. However, that doesn’t stop us from doing some unsafe things! We can always build a wrapper for Win32 API and then call those functions directly from .NET.

Let us evaluate one of such area which requires calling Win32 API functions from .NET. That area is ‘Simulating UI Automation’. Of course, the subject is too vast to fit in a single blog post, however, we can start with some basic things at least!

Our objective for this exercise is : “Launch an instance of Notepad and write ‘hello’ in it”; (Sorry for the semicolon, it has become a habit )

So let us start with creating a C# Console application. Next step is to create a new class called Win32 (you can name it whatever you like) and declare a couple of ‘static extern’ methods whose signature should match that of the unmanaged native Win32 API methods. There are a couple of DLLs for core Win32 APIs. You can categorize them into 8 areas. For more info, please visit We will be focusing on User32.dll for today’s topic as it deals with the ‘User Interface’.




While I've started moving from FindWindow/SendMessage/PostMessage automation to the newer Accessibility API approach, I still thought this class and example good and something I might still need in the future...

50! As in 50 "store ready" Windows 8 application templates (in both C#/XAML & HTML/JS)....(and free!)

MSDN Malaysia - Windows 8 Design Templates is now ready for all the developers

Good news to all the developers!! There are 50 “Store Ready” templates for Windows 8 in the form of Visual Studio projects. Templates are a great way to get started. Developers can now choose a design template which is closest to their design/implementation, customize and give life to their idea. The templates have been created keeping in mind the Windows 8 style & experience.  Just by binding the relevant data, developers should have a good looking app that runs in the paradigm of Windows 8.


image - Build






Templates! Now that's a bunch of templates... All told, 450MB of compressed templates. And in both C#/XAML and HTML/JS.

Man, if this is enough starter kits/templates to get you started...

(via Windows Phone Geek - 50 FREE Windows 8 Design Templates for developers)

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Windows Internals Curriculum Resource Kit (CRK) Labs. Nine short level 300+ labs and videos on Win OS internals

Microsoft Faculty Resource Center - Windows Operating System Internals Curriculum Resource Kit (CRK) – Labs for Windows

These labs are designed for the Windows 8 environment. Each lab contains a video file that walks through the content

File Name:

Resource ID: 9079

Publication Date:  12/01/2012

Language: English

Download Size and Type:  63.00 MB Zip file


Lab 1: Viewing Open Handles

In this laboratory you will learn how to observe what kind of resources are used by a process and its threads.

Lab 2: Task Manager’s Processes Pane

In this laboratory you will learn to understand the meaning of the Apps category of Task Manager’s Processes pane, its relation running processes and the differences to the Details pane.

Lab 3: Watching the Scheduler in Action

In this laboratory you will learn how to observe the effects of the Windows scheduler on the state of a thread.

Lab 4: Base Priority and Priority Boosts

In this laboratory you will learn how to observe the priority of a thread using the Performance Monitor utility. We will also change the base priority using the Task Manager.

Lab 5: Process Memory Information

In this laboratory you will learn how to inspect the effects of the Windows memory management from the process and the system level.

Lab 6: Introduction to Resource Monitor

In this lab we will briefly introduce the Resource Monitor application—a resource monitoring program that comes with Windows 8.

Lab 9: Viewing DLLs and Memory-Mapped Files

In this laboratory, you will learn how to inspect the list of DLLs and memory-mapped files of an application with Resource Monitor.

Looks like a bunch of cool level 300/400 lab's doesn't it? The lab's are pretty short, a few minutes each (which is prefect actually)





BTW, yes, I'm getting the Cert errors/warning/nags too...

Pulling into the Windows Azure VM Depot (lots of VM's, even Linux, all ready to be Azured)

VM Depot - Virtual Machine Images

VM Depot is a community-driven catalog of preconfigured operating systems, applications, and development stacks that can easily be deployed on Windows Azure. Find your favorite software and deploy it in minutes, or join the community, build a virtual machine image, and share it with others. Learn more.

VM Depot is brought to you by Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation. The virtual machine images on this site are provided and licensed to you by community members. Microsoft Open Technologies does not screen these images for security, compatibility or performance, and does not provide any license rights or support for them


Interoperability @ Microsoft - Getting Started with VM Depot

Do you need to deploy a popular OSS package on a Windows Azure virtual machine, but don’t know where to start? Or do you have a favorite OSS configuration that you’d like to make available for others to deploy easily? If so, the new VM Depot community portal from Microsoft Open Technologies is just what you need. VM Depot is a community-driven catalog of preconfigured operating systems, applications, and development stacks that can easily be deployed on Windows Azure.

You can learn more about VM Depot in the announcement from Gianugo Rabellino over on Port 25 today. In this post, we’re going to cover the basics of how to use VM Depot, so that you can get started right away.

Deploying an Image from VM Depot


Publishing an Image on VM Depot

To publish an image on VM Depot, you’ll need to follow these steps:


See the Learn More section for more detailed information about the steps involved in publishing and deploying images with VM Depot.

As you can see, VM Depot is a simple and powerful tool for efficiently deploying OSS-based virtual machines from images created by others, or for sharing your own creations with the developer community. Try it out, and let us know your thoughts on how we can make VM Depot even more useful!"

Looks like a quick and easy way to spin up an Azure VM doesn't it? Love that it's cross platform...

Oh TFS... OData Service for TFS v2 beta released (with a companion Windows 8 app too)

Brian Keller - OData Service for Team Foundation Server v2

Today we are releasing the beta of the OData Service for Team Foundation Server v2 along with a sample Windows Store application

The purpose of this service is to help developers work with data from Team Foundation Server on multiple device types (such as smartphones and tablets) and operating systems. OData provides a great solution for this goal, and has been embraced by numerous developers for building great device-specific applications. OData is accessible from any device and application stack which supports HTTP requests.

The OData service interacts directly with the TFS client object model, and will work with CodePlex, Team Foundation Server 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2012.

TFS Dashboard for Windows Store
My colleague Nisha Singh built a Windows Store application – TFS Dashboard – using this OData Service. All of the source code is available for the application which can be downloaded alongside the OData Service. This is a sample which you can extend and customize yourself to learn more about how to consume the OData Service in your own applications. Nisha has more information about this application on her blog where she will be sharing additional information soon about how she implemented the Live tiles, Search and Share features supported by WinRT APIs.



I should make it clear that this is not an official release from the TFS engineering team. The TFS engineering team has reviewed the service and approved of the approach we are taking, but there is no official support for this service. That said, all of the source code is provided for you, the license permits you to use it in production and extend it for your own purposes, and we are interested in (but not committed to) continuing to add capabilities over time.

Will this work with Team Foundation Service?
Not currently, although we are very excited about this possibility in the future. We are working on a release which work with Team Foundation Service but I do not have a timeline to share at the moment. More details will be posted as an update to this blog post when it is available.


Microsoft Downloads - OData Service for Team Foundation Server v2 Beta

This sample allows you to expose an OData service for Team Foundation Server (2010 and 2012). This service can make it easier to build applications for a multitude of devices which consume or manipulate data stored in Team Foundation Server.

Version: 2.0 Beta
Date published: 1/7/2013

Language: English

ODataForTFS.V2.Beta.exe, 25.3 MB

TFSDashboardBeta.exe, 1.4 MB

The purpose of this project is to help developers work with data from Team Foundation Server (2010 and 2012) on multiple device types (such as smartphones and tablets) and operating systems. OData provides a great solution for this goal, and has been embraced by numerous developers for building great device-specific applications. OData is accessible from any device and application stack which supports HTTP requests. This OData service interacts directly with the TFS client object model. To get information about the OData service, please visit Brian Keller's blog.

The download also includes a Windows 8 Store App sample. TFS Dashboard is a sample Windows 8 Store App that connects to Team Foundation Server. The TFS Dashboard App currently implements the Live tiles, Search and Share features supported by WinRT APIs. This App is primarily built to get users thinking towards building great Windows 8 App Store Apps, and to provide as an example for how to consume the OData Service for Team Foundation Server. Please visit Nisha Singh's blog for more information about the App.

Can't wait to see this go RTW (and have TFService support... )

Things on the OData front have been pretty quite, so it's good to see continued support and usage...


Related Past Post XRef:
OData Service for Team Foundation Server 2010 v1.0 RTW!
Opening TFS to the world via supported "web" API - OData For TFS (Beta) (Oh and you can use OData with CodePlex now too!)

Visualizing TFS Source History with the free TFS Source Control History Visualization extension (with source)

Visual Studio Gallery - TFS Source Control History Visualization

An VS2012 extension to TFS source control history visualization based on Gource tool project. VS Extension created by Alexander Biryukov

Related links: - Gource tool project:

TFS Source Control History Visualization (dynamic & interactive)
(Visual Studio Extension)

How to use:

  1. Install this extension
  2. Open TFS "Source Control Explorer" window
  3. Select source control folder (or file) and click Right button
  4. Select in pop-up menu item "Visualize History (using Gource)"
  5. Enjoy the history visualization :)


That's awesome! Not sure if it's something I'd use often, but that doesn't take away from it's shear coolness! And who said Source Control History wasn't exciting! :)

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Serving up essential development information on "Web Services and Extensibility for Windows Server 2012 Essentials"

The Windows Server Essentials and Small Business Server Blog - Web Services and Extensibility for Windows Server 2012 Essentials

Hi, I’m Mike Chen, program manager for the Windows Server Essentials team, and today I would like to share with you the extensibility story for Windows Server 2012 Essentials.

I’ll start with an overview of the extensibility points across Dashboard, Launchpad, Remote Web Access, and Health Monitoring. As you know, Windows Server 2012 Essentials is a hybrid solution that connects your on-premises environment to the cloud service. We will use cloud service integration scenarios when we talk about the extensibility points; these extensibility points can also be used by non-service-integration add-ins.

Let’s take a look at the Windows Azure Online Backup add-in (for more information, see the blog post Windows Azure Online Backup and Windows Server 2012 Essentials).


In the preceding screenshot, add-ins can be used in the Dashboard in four places:

  1. Top-level tab. Usually, as a standalone feature, most add-ins will have a separate tab. We recommend that you use all capital letters for the names of your tabs to be consistent with other built-in tabs. A top-level tab will own its standalone content space in the content area.
  2. Sub-tabs. To logically separate your features, you can have multiple sub-tabs under your top-level tab. If you own a separate top-level tab, you will naturally group sub-tabs together. If your add-in doesn’t create a top-level tab (for example, your add-in provides additional manageability for storage), you can add a sub-tab to the tab in question instead.
  3. Main panel. Different add-ins typically have different requests. While you can build your main panel from a blank panel, you can also leverage the list view in the SDK if you’re managing a list of objects, such as users or folders.
  4. Task panel. When you manage a list of items or a service, you usually need per item tasks and global tasks. When you leverage the list view, the Dashboard allows you to register per item tasks where you can perform tasks on a single item, such as removing a folder. It also allows you to perform global tasks, which apply to the entire add-in functions, such as registering your service.


Client-side integration is also interesting when you write an add-in to integrate with online services.

  • Launchpad. Most of the service integration, such as Office 365 Integration, provides value to end users where they need to have shortcuts to the new functionality they get from add-ins. In this case, you can extend the Launchpad by adding an additional shortcut.
  • Remote Web Access. Remote Web Access allows you to provide links on the Homepage, as well as provide your own page.
  • Health Integration. If the online service has dependencies on the client, such as agents running on the client or settings on the client, you can implement health monitoring rules on the client so that the monitoring results can be rolled up to the admin view. (Note that health integration is able to monitor the server as well.)


Web service platform

Anywhere Access is important for home and business environments today


I never jumped onto the Windows Home Server wagon, though I had wanted to and thought about it a good bit. If there had been a v3 I would have. In hindsight, I guess I'm glad I missed it... That said, I'm still interested in Windows Server 2012 Essentials and how it might be that WHS "v3". I'm kind of waiting on if it gets picked up by some top tier OEMS though...

Anyway, anytime there's officially supported extensibility and API's, that makes it that much more attractive to me. I doubt I would ever actually extend it, but that fact that I could, well, that's cool.. :)

Get the new Git if you're using it to get from Team Foundation Service...

Brian Harry’s blog - Git-TF 2.0.1 Released

Today we shipped a new binary release of the Git-TF tools.  We did a deployment of the Team Foundation Service yesterday and one of the things that changed was the way that we do basic authentication.  We are currently doing some work to make talking to TFS easier, this will help people building clients for TFS – especially as we support basic authentication over HTTPS if you have enabled alternative credentials.  However, one of the issues with basic authentication when we started doing a bit of testing is that some clients require the basic authentication realm to be set.  We didn’t have one set and so not every tool could authenticate with our services, so we have now added one.

Unfortunately this broke Git-TF 2.0 from talking to hosted.  The problem was that the TFS SDK for Java assumed that there was not going to be a realm as there never was one before on our hosted server and so it ran into a problem when the realm was added.  We updated the TFS SDK for Java (and also Team Explorer Everywhere) at the end of last year.  We also wanted to update the binary release of Git-TF which has a dependency on the TFS SDK for Java but we ran into some last minute difficulties getting the build out the door and it only just arrived this morning – very sorry about that.  If you are using Git-TF to talk with your account then you will want to upgrade to this latest version ASAP.


While not a Git'er myself yet, given I do a twice a month TFS podcast, RadioTFS, I thought this pretty important to share...

Monday, January 07, 2013

Pointy, Sharp Shell Extensions with SharpShell and the ".NET Shell Extensions - Shell Context Menus" tutorial

CodeProject - .NET Shell Extensions - Shell Context Menus


Until .NET 4.0 it was impossible to reliably create Windows Shell Extensions using .NET code. With improvements to the framework, it is now possible to use .NET to create these extensions. In this article, I'll show you how to quickly create Shell Context Menus as a C# class library.

This article is the first part in a larger series on creating Shell Extensions using .NET 4.0.  

What Are Shell Context Menus?

Shell Context Menus are COM servers that are registered in the system that allow the context menus of shell objects to be extended. This could be the context menu for a specific file type, such as *.txt files, file classes such as 'text files', drives, folders and more. The context menus can be used to provide advanced functionality that can be accessed quickly through Windows Explorer.

Getting Started

There's a lot of work involved in setting up Shell Extensions. Specific COM interfaces have to be implemented, servers must be built, the registry must be updated in a variety of ways. We're going to use a library I have developed called 'SharpShell' to do all of the hard work - leaving us with the task of creating a lightweight class library that contains our extension class.

Our Goal

The code below creates a Shell Extension that allows you to count the lines in any text file by right clicking on it and choosing 'Count Lines'. For the rest of the article I'll show you how to create a library like this. The code is shown first because I want to highlight how straightforward writing these libraries is when using SharpShell.





SharpShell is a .NET framework that allows you to create Windows Shell Extensions quickly, using C# or Visual Basic.

Can you use the .NET Framework to write Shell Extensions? This topic is discussed in the documentation page Managed Shell Extensions.

SharpShell - Can you use the CLR for Shell Extensions?


Been a long time since I've blogged about create Shell Extensions with .Net. And while the Windows/File Explorer might (might) be on the way out, we've got the better part of a decade where it will still be a key UI, so investing in creating your on Shell Extensions could still make a good deal of sense.

As a LOB dev, I find the thought of using them in our company interesting.... um...

The key to better bindings... the Visual Studio Keyboard Bindings Editor Extension

Visual Studio Gallery - Keyboard Bindings Editor

Keyboard Bindings Editor is an easy to use Visual Studio extension, which allows you to browse, add and remove keyboard bindings to all of the standard Visual Studio commands, as well as commands added by other extensions.


About Extension

The Keyboard Bindings Editor extension for Visual Studio is an easy to use alternative to the existing Visual Studio editor under Tools-->Options...-->Environment-->Keyboard. It provides a more comprehensive interface to filter and navigate to the command you wish to edit the bindings for, displays binding clashes and allows changes in batch.


As a general rule, I don't tweak my key bindings all that often. It's just too much of a pain to keep them in sync across different machines, versions, installs, etc. This is why I always blog about cloud-sync options for VS settings (and I seem to remember seeing some kind of rumor about this recently about VS getting this baked in, but can't find it).

Anyway... If you DO edit your key bindings, this tool looks to make that a little easier and quicker...

Visual Studio Facebook Chat Extension (yes, FB Chat directly from within VS)

Visual Studio Gallery - Visual Studio Facebook Chat

Stay connected in Facebook while developing your Solutions. With this tool you can chat with your facebook-contacts while coding. No reason to break your workflow for a simple question.




  • Visual feedback - Every time a contact writes a message to you, the item in the userlist is highlighted, never miss a message.
  • Audio Feedback - Turn on Audiofeedback and stay concentrated except if its necessary to communicate with your contacts.
  • Visual Studio build in - You don't have to change between bowser and Visual Studio to communicate with other developers or contacts at facebook, keep your workflow up.


  1. Install the Plugin
  2. Make it visible by clicking on 'View' --> 'More Windows' --> 'Facebook Chat'
  3. Click anywhere on the Chat window to trigger the Login-Popup


Technical Information

This plugin uses agsXmpp and JSON.Net.
agsXmpp is managing the connection to Facebook on XMPP-Level. JSON.Net is parsing the JSON-Response für the User-Profile.

I'm not sure if this an hail bringer of the End of Times or just kind of cool (or a little of both). Now, I've said I live in VS, but this might be a little over the top... :D

Kona, Kona, Kona! [Think P&P dev guidance for composite application WinStore Apps {Yes, like Prism, but not}]

Infragistics - Introducing Kona Guidance for Windows 8 Application Development (Think of it as Prism for Windows 8, but not really)

I am extremely excited to announce a new project from the smart people at Microsoft’s Patterns & Practices team called Kona.  What is Kona you ask?  Kona is the new developer guidance for developing line of business applications for Windows 8.  Initially this project was called Prism for WinRT, but as it turns out, it’s really not Prism running on Windows 8, but rather a new set of guidance for developing Windows 8 applications.

Wait… just... a... minute Brian.  What do you mean it’s not “Prism” running on Windows 8?  What do you mean “new guidance”?  Well, if you download Kona and expect to start adding regions and modules like you’re used to, then you might get a bit frustrated looking for the attached properties and IModule interface.  Why?  Well, because it’s not there!  Actually there is a lot of Prism code that you are used to having that is not there and will not be there.  Why do you ask?  The answer is simple; it’s Windows 8.  Huh!?  It’s a new platform, and it has changed significantly compared to WPF and Silverlight.  When they were looking at doing the “port” of Prism, they soon realized that a lot of capabilities just didn’t make sense to bring over to the new platform.  Hence, a new set of guidance using a new set of APIs that are specific to the new Windows 8 platform.

Now not everything was ditched.  Some things, not a lot, made sense to bring over.  DelegateCommand and DelegateCommand<T> is still there.  Guidance on MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) is still there, but honestly I don’t agree with the implementation.  Keep in mind, this is the first initial drop of Kona, so we can always make improvements to the code base.  Everything is a learning experience.






Interesting. Brian's post is much more complete that you'll find yet on the codeplex page,, but as he said, this is just the first drop... Will be watching for this now though... :)

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Get the free (as in free) Gemicon Icon Set (600 PNG/PSD) - Think "Wow, these would be great for Modern UI Apps" icons

Smashing Magazine - Gemicon Icon Set (600 PNG Icons + PSD Source)

Today we are pleased to feature Gemicon, a set of over 600 original high-quality icons in resolutions of 16 × 16, 32 × 32 and 64 × 64 pixels. This set has been designed by Turqois  and is being released to the design community.


Download The Icon Set For Free!

You can use the set for all of your projects for free and without any restrictions. You may freely use it for both your private and commercial projects, including software, online services, templates and themes.



Saw these this morning and thought they would be great/outstanding/perfect for Modern UI type of app's...